Noctivia follows the story of Affenze, Sonte, Eradeheck and Usque in a manga-style fantasy universe wrought with demonic invasion and red tape. This is one of those long-term projects that I always intend to get back to, but life always gets in the way. On day… I have been noodling away at since 2005.
Affenze efferiatis
A distractable optimist with more interest in follow hunches than orders. Disciplinary action is typically truncated when her unusual brute force is needed.
Sontentier nomine
just doing his best
A good kid who finds it hard to just wait things out when the going gets rough. Not exactly reckless, he is a good judge of when offence is the best defence.
Eradeheck gamaschen
mage coordination officer
A detail-oriented beurocrat who knows when rules should be bent, but not so good at listening to constructive feedback.
usque contraho
minister for logistics
A symbiotic being with a knack for brokering peace at all levels of society. If she has an agenda it will be met come hell or high water.