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I am a senior research fellow fellow at the Australian National University. Major metaphorical feathers to my science bow include:

  • PHXchange (an innovative venture to catalyse change in the interface between research and impact, translate population health research more effectively, and build partnerships with stakeholders)
  •  NeuroImaging Brain Lab (Centre for Research on Ageing, Health and Wellbeing, Research School of Population Health, Australian National University)
  • Conservation Physiology in Action series (where we pair my art with top-notch plain language summaries of cutting edge conservation physiology research)
  • Illustration in the Keogh lab (Division of Evolution, Ecology & Genetics, Research School of Biology, Australian National University)
  • Freelance scientific illustration (why sleep when you can draw?)


The CV below would not have been possible without research participants generously donating their time, insight, and thoughts over the years.


If you have participated in my research before, thank you! Check back to this page from time to time, and you will see what came of those projects.


If you are interested in contributing to my ongoing works, take a look at the available projects on this page. Clicking on the “participate?” link will take you to an online survey on the Qualtrics platform. You will see an information sheet giving more details about the study, which you should read through to decide if you want to participate or not.

Live scribing

TIME: 5 minutes
PARTICIPANTS: Adults aged 18+ living in Australia who have experienced live scribing at some point in their lives.
AIM: to understand the role of live scribing in engagement and recall of discussion or inform

This study will run until 11/2022.



TIME: 10 minutes
PARTICIPANTS: Adults aged 18+ living in Australia
AIM: to find general knowledge scientific facts that most members of the Australian general public don’t know, for use in future research about learning.


curriculum vitae



  • Doctor of Philosophy (Australian National University, conferred 16/12/2015)
  • Bachelor of Science (Psychology) with first class honours (Australian National University with University Medal awarded for academic excellence in the field of Psychology, conferred 14/12/2011)
  • Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Australian National University, conferred 10/12/2010)
  • Bachelor of Science (major in Science Communication) (Australian National University, conferred 10/12/2010)
  • Associate fellow of the higher education academy
  • ANU Mental Health First Aid course graduate


  • Research Fellow (PHXchange, Research School of Population Health, 2019-2021, Senior research fellow 2022 – current)
  • Postdoctoral Fellow (Centre for Ageing, Health and Wellbeing, Research School of Population Health, Australian National University 5/5/2015 – 2019, full-time except for the period 4/10/2016-4/5/2017)
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate (Division of Evolution, Ecology and Genetics, Australian National University 4/10/2016-4/5/2017)
  • Assorted teaching (lecture, tutorial, teaching assistant duties) (Research School of Psychology, Australian National University, 2012-2014)

Memberships and affiliations

  • PHXchange, Australian National University
  • MethodsXchange
  • Keogh Lab (2010 – current, illustrator)
  • Australian Mathematical Psychology society (2013 – current; technical officer 2021-2022)
  • The Visual and Decision Analytics lab
  • Society for Ambulatory Assessment (2012 – 2018)
  • Association for Psychological Science (2013 – current)
  • Applied Psychometric Society (2013 – current)
  • American Psychology Society (2012 – 2014)
  • Australian Psychology Society (2012 – 2013)
  • International Society For The Study of Individual Differences (2012 – 2014)


Internships and medical student projects
  • A. Alhassan (2021; ACT Health Internship)
  • T. Rasmussen (2021; ACT Health Internship)
  • L. Zheng (2021 – current; Australian National University medical student project)
  • F. Lin (2022 – current; Australian Institute of Health and Welfare internship)
  • A. Yan (2022 – current; Australian National University medical student project)
  • S. Li (current, commenced 2021)
  • X. He (completed 2019)
  • R. Botterill (completed 2018)
  • E. Smith (Panel member, 2019)



Recent publication highlight

Not Just a pretty picture: Scientific fact visualisation styles, preferences, confidence and recall. Information Visualization, 20(2-3), 138-150.DOI: 10.1177/14738716211027587. 

Visuals are often used to enhance learning of scientific  information. This study investigates whether the addition and style of visual accompaniment of scientific information, as used in comic books, influences immediate and short-term fact recall in an adult audience.


The following list is sortable by author, year, title, or focus on desktop (mobile just provides a chronological list). Click on publication and presentation titles to read the full text (where available, pending publisher embargoes). To change the order, click on the heading you’d like to sort by. Note that scientific illustration work is listed separately on my scientific illustration page. Last updated 30/08/2022.